Corsol Corrosion Solutions

Demco has been a customer-centric business long before the term was co-opted by marketing departments around the world. Robert Dethmers, our founder, always strived to make the best products when he first opened Dethmers Manufacturing Company in 1950. That goal is the very foundation of our company and affects decisions we make every day to improve and innovate our products to meet the needs of our customers. One major innovation has been the inclusion of CORSOL® corrosion solutions on our drop-deck trailers, side-dumps, and liquid tenders, to protect them from the devastating effects of corrosion.
CORSOL® corrosion solutions are the ONLY long-term, field-proven solutions with decades of documented proof. CORSOL® corrosion solutions protection is derived from a process called METAL POLYMERIZATION® in which an appropriate proprietary liquid copolymer is applied to a metallic surface. A chemical reaction occurs between the copolymer and the metallic substrate, creating a copolymer iron alloy layer that fuses the copolymer and steel. This layer creates non-sacrificial protection against corrosion, undercutting and blistering.
“The results have been phenomenal,” says Chuck Oppedal, Demco Semi-Trailer Sales Manager. “We made the move because of the successful long-term history of CORSOL® corrosion solutions, and we wanted that kind of performance with our trailers for our customers. After just 3 years, we can definitely see the difference.”
Demco’s customers have seen the difference too, and significantly improved corrosion protection is only part of the story.
“Absolutely,” adds Oppedal. “Our customers and dealers get peace of mind, knowing their purchase will look better and last longer than anything else in market. But there’s a financial component as well.”
Refinishing costs can significantly affect profits when factoring in the lifetime cost of a purchase – especially when a trailer needs refinishing multiple times due to corrosion. The resale value of trailers with CORSOL® corrosion solutions are historically much higher.
“We don’t believe our units will ever need refinishing,” boasts a confident Oppedal. “Our customers love it. One just told me recently that he expects an extra 15% increase in trade-in or resale value.”
That’s money you can put straight into your pocket!