Preparing Your Grain Cart for Harvest

Demco Grain Cart Pre Season Checklist
Harvest is a season every grower anxiously looks forward to & no one wants the added stress of down time due to equipment breakdowns. Demco offers many sizes & styles of industry leading grain carts to help make harvest season as efficient & trouble free as possible, but like anything mechanical there is seasonal maintenance required. Demco believes following a detailed preharvest inspection list is a growers best way of eliminating in season break downs that cause added stress & expense.
Pre Harvest inspection:
1 – Visual Inspection
- Look over the grain cart for any loose bolts or cracked welds & make any necessary repairs.
- Check inside the grain cart to make sure all guards are in place & in good shape.
- Make sure all drive lines & augers move freely & are free from any obstructions.
- Inspect the hydraulic hoses for any leaks, cracks, worn/soft spots or any kinks or pinches.
- Replace all worn or damaged parts.
2 – Check
- Tires for proper inflation.
- Lug nuts for proper torque.
- Lights for proper operation.
- Oil level in gearbox.
- Zerk locations & grease as needed.
- All driveline guards & shields. Replace or repair if necessary to insure proper protection.
3 – Operation
- Hook tractor to grain cart. Make sure hitch pin & safety chain are in good condition & attached correctly.
- Plug in electrical harness & hydraulic hoses. Makes sure all electric & hydraulic functions are operating correctly.
- Engage pto & make sure all drive lines & augers are turning freely.
Once these few things are checked off your list you can be sure your Demco grain cart is ready for the demands of the harvest season.